Thursday, December 07, 2006


It's always been a ridiculous notion in the back of my mind, but after writing the last entry of this blog I think it is not such a bad idea. We should have mandatory sterilization in this country.

It's so clear now. The answer is simple! If only we could sterilize some individuals in society, specifically but not limited to the drug abusing, sex-offending, prostituting, 19 years old on medicaid with 4 kids already, domestic abusing, have fathered multiple children with multiple women, or those gang-bangin' pieces of shit we all know and love - we could actually improve American society.

This way, these individuals would have more time to find a job, contribute to the human race, improve the efficiency of society, decrease the amount of poverty in this country, produce a better life for the children they already have, and allow more free time for the people who actually should be producing children to do just that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

once again, natural selection is failing us.

2:29 AM  
Blogger Caduceus said...

Natural selection is still working, but since it has selected for the strong and intelligent to survive, the strong and intelligent now survive and make their living by helping/exploiting the ones that should have been left behind.

Look at my career - it's sole purpose is to prevent death in any form and any person.

I am fighting natural selection every day. Maybe it's our fault that natural selection is losing and the world is going down the tubes.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to take a vacation, doc.

Some of your comments are rather disturbing.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey doctor,

Why not euthanize all those "drug abusing, sex-offending, prostituting, 19 years old on medicaid with 4 kids already, domestic abusing, have fathered multiple children with multiple women, or those gang-bangin' pieces of shit"? Put them out of their misery and we'll save society a bunch of dough.

Now that would be natural selection!

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having to respect the inalienable rights of others is part of the price you pay for living in a free society, Dr. Mengele.

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have far too many restrictions that keep the socially unproductive alive. Let people OD on their drugs and die. You do not want to wear a seatbelt while driving your vehicle or a helmet while on your bike? Fine, if that is how much you value the matter that your skull is holding in place then we probably don't need ya. Hell, blowdry your hair in the tub and lets see how Darwin will thin our already swollen population.

10:59 PM  

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